Friday, January 24, 2014

Gear Review Friday

Its Friday, a special day for all ROBLOXians. Is it that day where your mini-vacation begins or your day of extra sleep? To answer the questions that may be floating in your head it is once again Gear Friday. Today I will be reviewing the Hot Chocolate Launcher, an very winter type of gear.
Hot Chocolate Launcher

Hot Chocolate LauncherThe Hot Chocolate Launcher is a very creative gear that relates to a mans best friend after a long day in the snow, Hot Cocoa. This gun has a very good color and matches very well with a paint ball gun. This piece of gear is 500 Robux which is a pretty reasonable price for this type of gear. This gear is very useful in a battle with your friends as it squirts boiling hot cocoa and removes 50 Damage from the player. The screen of the player will also have hot cocoa squirted around their screen. This gun has no disadvantages so far and is recommended for you to buy.

Stay tuned for more Gear reviews every Gear Friday.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

New Roblox Layout: With it or Forget It?

As you may know ROBLOX changes over the years. Well this year ROBLOX is again getting a new layout as you may or may not know. If I am not wrong about 10% of ROBLOXian's are seeing the new layout right now. Well if your not seeing it or just don't know it, you're not alone. I will be reviewing the new layout that is coming out in the near future.
                                                      Credit to Phirefox for the picture.
The Look:
The new layout looks very different from our current one as you may notice. The new layout now has the main buttons on the left hand side of the website leaving the search bar at the top along with some other stuff to the right of the search bar. The new color doesn't match with the site colors as I prefer blue and white as the colors for the site layout. A lot of the things on the screen beside the sidebar and top bar are currently white and blue which doesn't match with the rest of the layout. The new layout is also not very colorful like our current layout is and the layout has a mobile feel, the feel I don't prefer.
The Sidebar:
The sidebar is a very different comparing to our current layout. A majority of the buttons on the side bar are divided into sections to make it more organized and not leave out big components off the list. The sidebar is very advanced but not user friendly to those who are using it for the first time making it more difficult to handle the website. Adding on to the last statement in the previous section, the sidebar should not be on the left side. Although it will be a benefit to those who are left-handed, a mobile feel is added to the theme. Adding the side bar on the top is better and easier to use if it is at the top of the site to make it a better desktop feel. It is more easier to drag your mouse to the button and it feels very awkward to use the new sidebar at the side.
This will be a very hard part to review about the new layout. As you can see, ROBLOX has taken some ideas from Facebook and some mobile websites. The new layout is pretty creative if you think about it. Adding sections for certain things to do is a very creative idea to keep you organized. The search bar is also a very creative feature which lets you search for players (Not Sure About Groups) instead of having to click a button like always.
Over all the new layout is pretty ok once you get used to it overtime. You can except some complaints from users once this feature is public to everyone. The layout should have more of a desktop feel and be a little more colorful and easier to use for new users of the layout. You should also be able to change the color of the layout to not get that dark feeling.
The Look: 6/10
The Sidebar: 8/10
Creativity: 8.5/10
Overall: 5/10

I Guess You Can Pretty Much Forget It.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hat Review Tuesday

Today we will be reviewing recently released hats. You can be expecting more reviews each Tuesday about more recently released hats. Today I will be reviewing two new hats called the Red Plaid Golf Cap and Ruby Adorned Fencer.

Red Plaid Golf Cap
Red Plaid Golf CapThe Red Plaid Golf Cap is one of the many golf caps released on ROBLOX for the last few years. The hat is available for 15 ROBUX which is a pretty reasonable price. The hat has a very good plaid design along with a great red tone. Although the hat is a pretty good hat, the hat has a few disadvantages as well. The hat is not very different and creative from many other hats and its front rim is not sticking out very much.

Ruby Adorned Fencer
________________________________________________________ Ruby Adorned Fencer is a helmet that falls under the category of Medieval times armor. This hat is available for 150 Robux and it is slightly over priced and is not NBC friendly. This hat is very creative and it is a detailed piece of armor. Although the hat might have good traits, the hat has some disadvantages taped on. The hat is not very good looking in certain areas such as the top area of the armor.

Stay tuned for next time as I will be reviewing more hats in the near future.